Improve drying machine output method:
1 The material in the dryer drum does not make" reciprocating motion". So the material will soon be the wind away, the roller material storage quantity is too low, causing the material and hot air dynamic and static contact area decreased.
2 In order to limit the material to the dryer outlet direction of the flow velocity, so only the roller speed limit is very low, so the roller material is raised greatly reduces the number of. Thus causing the material and hot air dynamic contact time is greatly reduced.
3 In order to improve the yield of dryer cylinder do long diameter; excessive; unable to make full use of; causing heat loss; equipment occupies large area.
4 In order to improve the yield of high temperature high temperature of import; export; causing energy waste. At the same time also caused a decline in the quality of the materials to be dried; serious material color black; many even paste.
5 The wind speed is too low, resulting in material and hot air and the static and dynamic contact force relaxation, resulting in low efficiency of drying equipment.
6 Only the downstream dryer drying, and the drying process of saturated water vapor and water vapor can be discharged in time, so in the long distance running, causing the material to be dried to absorb moisture.
According to the above method operation, the output will increase the drying machine.